You sent me a PM but then failed to allow private messages in your profile! I can't respond.
KRK wrote...
"Hi, I am returning to NASLite after 3 years, installed v1.68 and it recognized two disk formatted earlier by previous NASLite-M2 v.167.
I have mapped NAS disks from windows using net use.
net use V: \\192.168.1.XX\Disk-2 NASLite-M2 v.1.68 Windows 10
But when I try to write to Disk-2, I am getting permission denied error (you need permission to perform this action).
I tried mapping to Shares\Disk-2 too. No luck.
Am I missing anything?
Thanks, -Kamesh"
Been some time but I would try turning off password protected sharing in windows. Make sure you are behind a decent fire wall like smoothwall or PFsense.
And again, Fix your account. Also post these sorts of question in the forums so others can help as well!